Jazz Dance Academy Montreux - Evénement

A silver medal for Eva in Junior 1 at the inter-regional selection for the French Jazz Dance Championship 2022!

On the weekend of 5-6 March, JDA Montreux, affiliated since February to the French Dance Federation, made its first participation in a French dance event: the French Jazz Dance Championship.

Eva is the first student to compete for JDA Montreux at a championship, which took place in Burgundy (this regional selection concerned the regions of Auvergne Rhône Alpes and Bourgogne Franche Comté), and shone by winning the silver medal in her category (junior 1) at this regional event.

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Eva was accompanied by Bruce Taylor, international teacher and trainer at the Paris Opera School and IFPRO. Bruce Taylor was accompanied by Martine Curta-Cadet and Florence Mérégalli from Paris to judge the students of this Jazz selective.

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Eva is surrounded on the left by Mr Gilbert Chemin, president of the FF Danse regional committee for the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, and on the right by Mr Jacques Cécillon, president of the FF Danse regional committee for the Bourgogne Franche Comté region.

This is an important first step in the recognition of the work done in one year by JDA Montreux.

Eva is following the Jazz curriculum as well as the JDA Junior course, which prepares students specifically for competitions and entrance tests for prestigious schools.

This is a great success for her and for the school, and a great promise for the future!

Come and visit us

Rue de l'église catholique 14
1820 Montreux

9 mn walk from the Montreux SBB railway station
20 mn from Lausanne SBB station

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On +41 78 403 12 08

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Affiliated to the French Dance Federation (FFD)

© 2020-2024 Jazz Dance Academy Montreux