Generally speaking, the term "modern'jazz" is used to define a course that allows the combination of two currents: jazz and modern dance.
Jazz originated in New Orleans in the southern United States in the 19th century. In music as in dance, it took off on stage and then in the cinema. Charleston, swing and rock belong to the great family of jazz dance.
Modern dance refers to a set of styles and brings together the new concepts of the 20th century. It uses gravity, body weight, falling, contact with the ground... The different techniques seek to enhance the dynamics of movement, to control the energy through breathing, and to use the space in all its resources. Modern dance does not hesitate to be enriched by other universes: traditional dances from all horizons, cinema, painting, circus, etc. The music is even mixed with other sound effects: voices, noises, or simply with moments of silence. It leaves room for improvisation, and goes out of theatres and into original places such as public spaces, museums, station halls, streets, or roofs of buildings.
INITIATION TO JAZZ DANCE: from 6 to 8 years old
PREPARATORY JAZZ: from 8 to 11 years old
JAZZ CYCLE 1: from 11 to 13 years old
JAZZ CYCLE 2: from 13 to 15 years old
JAZZ CYCLE 3: from 15 to 17 years old
ADULT JAZZ: intermediate level
For more details on the items below, please refer to the general documentation on the information page.
The fees are listed below by month, please refer to the general fee summary to see what this represents annually or by term.
Discounts may be applied to the fees according to certain conditions (families, number of lessons taken) and are not cumulative.
75 CHF/month
80 CHF/month
80 CHF/month
90 CHF/month
Ascension Holidays: from Thursday 9 May to Sunday 12 May 2024
Whit Monday: lundi 20 may 2024
Summer Holidays: from Saturday 29 June to Sunday 18 August 2024
Day after the Federal Fast : Monday 18 September 2023
Autumn Holidays : from Saturday 14 October to Sunday 29 October 2023
Christmas Holidays : from Saturday 23 December 2023 to Sunday 7 January 2024
Sports Holidays: from Saturday 15 February to Sunday 23 February 2025
Spring Holidays: from Saturday 12 April to Sunday 27 April 2025
Ascension Holidays: from Thursday 29 May to Sunday 1st June 2025
Whit Monday: lundi 9 June 2025
Summer Holidays: from Saturday 28 June to Sunday 17 August 2025